MID7125 works for market but some apps state not a compatible device. How to fix?


Apr 19, 2012
Problem 1: Coby Kyro MID7125 works for market but some apps state not a compatible device and won't even allow to download. Is there a way around this?

Problem 2: Cannot download files larger that 20megabites, states insufficient space on my device. This not true. I have 3gigabites free and even moved my apps to the sdcard. Tried clearing data from Market app. many times and and still did not work. Tried Market Fix app from the market and did not fix problem.

Can some one please help!!
I have the exact same problem (as your problem #2). I have Android Market v3.1.3 installed (which I'm betting is old?). This is my first Android device (well, other than a BlackBerry Playbook that was rooted in the past and had Android Market) so I'm definitely a beginner still. I will let you know if I figure a way around it, please do the same for me if you do :) I was thinking its because it's an older version of Android market and was going to look into getting a newer version installed, but would like to know what version you have first.

Do you see ALL apps with your Kryos in Android Market? I don't have the problem with apps saying they are not compatible but I think that is related to using too new of a version of the Android Market (at least thats what I read elsewhere) so I went with this older version, however, I don't seem to see all apps (for example I can't see 'XProtect' or 'Milestone XProtect'), hmmm, strange stuff.

Do you have a MID7125 too?
I have the same Market ver 3.1.3 and cannot see xprotect either. I wanted to install "AV Controller" app from Yamaha and it does not show up for me either. Yamaha shows it would even supports android 2.1 and up.
The newest Market is v3.5.15. I will install and see what happens.
There must be a way around it.
My 7125 is rooted with superuser v3.0.7 and Clockwork v4.0.1.5. I am running Android v2.3.3
I have another thread on the go for another problem.
shell gives "adb: permission denied" cannot access properly into Coby MID7125
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I used superoneclick to root but haven't done any "root" stuff yet... and yes i have a 7125. I was thinking of trying a newer google play apk and will probably try that tomorrow.
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Cool thanks pnunez, my #2 is now fixed as well thanks you Jimmy's Blog. Good stuff!

Hmm, edit: after a reboot the fix goes away and you have to redo it :( Gotta figure out a more permanent fix... ppl in the comments section of Jimmy's blog mentioned the same problem. Any ideas?
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As far as compatibility for apps, there's a fix for the 7022 (same internals as the 7127) which involves changing the screen density to 160dpi from 200 (requires root) and clearing the data for the market.

It should should show up if you do a search on the forums.
I think it has to do with your screen rez....look for an app that changes the rez of the screen. I forget what it needs to be set to ,but its "smaller" than stock ....then go to settings....manage apps....and your "market" app...then click "clear all data". then give it a try....