Mike M


Oct 27, 2011
I have a Maxwest TAB 73 Tablet running Android 2.3. When I try to connect it to my PC running Windows 7 the pc
is looking for a DRIVER named TCC 8900. Does anyone know where I can obtain this driver. Maxwest, Windows and HP
are of course no help. And, does the driver go in the PC or Tablet.
Thank you,

I don't have a TCC890x tablet myself, but would the driver pointed to from here work?

BTW, how do you like the Maxwest TAB 73? How does it compare to other similar tablets?
you should automaticly have a popup on your tablet that asks you if you want to connect via usb in your drag down task bar. that android feature (the os not the hardware you use) makes it able to be used as a mass storage media next time you connect have the tablet turned on forget about windows and just go to your dropdown task bar and enable the usb connection in your android os.
i hope that helps you mike
and steve, i wish i had saved the extra 200-350 for a galaxy or a xoom

also steve i was wondering if there were any custom roms i could use to upgrade this craplet to something more useable
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It was my understanding that some devices (e.g. Pandigital Novel white) may have partitions not visible to the usual USB mass storage. In that case, you need to have a device driver for ADB to connect from Windows and then access the hidden partitions from a shell session.

Sorry, but as I mentioned earlier, I do not own a TCC890x tablet. For what it's worth, I've read about tablets using ROMs from very similar devices, with mixed results. If you don't know what you are doing, you could brick your device.

I got the impression that the Maxwest Tab 73 has the official Android Market installed already. If that is not the case, then rooting the tablet and installing Android Market would go a long way to making the device useful.

I don't know if the device could be overclocked. If so, you will need to root it first and use something like SetCPU. The downside would be shorter battery life.
the battery now only lasts about three hours and as far as using the device as mass storage the android os allows me to enable the usb feature to use my nand card and micro sd card without having to install any drivers for my tablet itself BUT i havent explored any further to try and find any hidden partitions as such. its my understanding that the os is installed on the nand itself but i could be mistaken. i have taken it apart a few times to try and figure out what was upgradeable/updateable and the answer is no. everything from ram to the internal 4 gig nand mem is solid state (tied directly to the mobo) and that is a little disappointing. this tablet was made to be thrown away after a year or two. what would be cool is to swap out the internals for something better, im not willing to spend the time or energy on it so im just gonna save up and buy something more suitable and better made
I have the same tablet and I connected it to my pc w/o any drivers.

First I turned off Development/USB debugging.
Then plugged it in to my pc's usb port.
The tablet came up with 'Turn on USB storage'.
Once I selected it my File Explorer saw the tablets contents.

But, this is not how I connect it normally. I use Webshare app via WiFi.

Seems to be a nice tablet. I got it for my wife for reading book.