Minor but weird charging issue


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2011
When I plug in my tf300 to charge, even though it's turned off, after I plug in the charger, it turns itself on. I then end up turning it off the second time.

Is this normal?
what do you mean off? tablet is sleeping then wakes up when plugged in? tablet is shutdown then boots up when plugged in?
it does this its nomal you can charge the 300 while in sleep mode or off by shuting it down i shut mine down somtim
sess if you charge it in sleep mode turn off wifi.....
It seems that's normal for a lot of the tablets out there. Both my Nooks do it too. If mine still have enough of a charge left to use, the tablet it turns on and is ready to use while charging. If not, I get a message saying I should wait about 15 minutes and then it will be ready to use.
Hi all, I recently bought an Asus TF300T.
Apparently, when you do not switch it off all together when charging but leave it in sleep mode, it does "ding" everey few seconds. Every few "dings" it also wakes up, the screen lights up and goes back to sleep when I don't enter the security pattern just to start "dinging" again and so forth and so on. (the ding is the one used for screen lock/unlock).
The manual doen't mention anything about this behaviour which I find quite anoying.
Is this normal?
tx in advance,
I have a TF300 also and when charging with the charger that was included (the Asus one) it turns on and dings once, then seems to go to sleep. My concern is with a spare charger I ordered off Amazon - a Khomo 15v wall charger. When I use it to charge the TF300 it dings about every 10 seconds. Since the included Asus charger doesn't ding (after an initial single ding) I'm a little concerned. Anybody know the lowdown on this ?
mine dings when using the Asus charger but as a matter of fact it only started acting like this AFTER the first time I charged it using the charger included with my Samsung Galaxy Note (the fablet, not the tablet).
It did charge a bit using the Samsung charger over the course of a few hours during te day but when I continued charging at home using the asus charger, the dinging started for the first time.
oh ... and btw, after I reset my tablet tothe factory settings, everything was back to normal. So I assume it's not a HW problem.
this is a reacion I got from leeshor on another thread: "Peter. Can you connect the sound to getting mail? There aren't a lot of reasons that would happen but there are a few. Try installing Auto Airplane Mode (by DON) from the Store and see if that helps. Some active widget is doing it somewhere."