Mouse trouble on the Kyros 7015


Jan 23, 2011
Hey everyone, I recently got a Kyros. I rooted it and installed market on it and so far I am extremely satisfied. I plugged in my logitech USB keyboard and it worked great (typing on it now). However, when I tried to plug in my logitech wired USB mouse it didn't work. It was recognized, but it acted as a "d-pad". Moving it up/down was as if I moved a d-pad up and down. Right click was like pressing enter. I plugged in a wireless mouse and it was recognized but I had the same symptoms. Is there any way I could get the mouse to work? I would love using a mouse/keboard combonation on my Kyros. Thanks!
There is no mouse pointer, what are you going to move?

Unless someone come's up with a software hack.
