Music download for Cruz

Hi Pat, welcome to the forum. The folks in the forum for your device should be able to help you out . I'm moving your thread over to the Velocity Micro Tablets forum for you. Good luck!
Love this little gift; but dumb me can't get music to download. Help me please

Here's a little trick I learned.

If you want to get free music (legally(I hope)) follow these simple steps.

1: Look up the music you want on Youtube.

2: Copy the URL or site (example

3: Go to

4: Click download video.

5: Put the URL in the stop as told.

6: Put in your email then you can be sent the file to download the music.

7: Put it on your tablet! You can do this through your tablet's SD card if you have one, or through the USB port!

Hope this helps! :)