Music starting automatically (not the usual issue though!)


Sep 21, 2011

I have an Asus TF101 which I love so far. We are about to go on hols which involves a long drive so I thought I would use the pad to play my 2 year old some videos on the journey. I connected to the Blaupunkt bluetooth in my car to play the sound through the car stereo speakers (uses a2dp).

It all works apart from as soon as I start a video playing (using moboplayer) the music app starts playing as well. So it's not the usual auto start on connection problem as that doesn't actually happen for me.

Anyone know how I can stop this. I don't want to root my device, I should make that clear from the start.

Thanks in advance

Phil, I use power amp myself and sometimes have the same issue. What I have noticed is that it isn't the auto start connection tied to the device but the power amp program itself. Do you physically hit the stop button on the music player when you disconnect it? Or do you just disconnect it from the output? Unless I stop it in the program before I disconnect as soon as I reconnect it takes off on it's own.

Sorry if this is the usual issue you talked about but thought it would be worth a shot.