My 70 is dead should I buy an 80?


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2010
My Archos 70 died when I fell on it the other day and cracked the screen and somehow put a dent right through to the back of the case. It still powers up but has a big black blotch and cracks.

My first thought was to fix it but on reflection I am considering a new tablet.

The Classic Archos 80 G9 looks to be very well priced and although not as small as the 70 is an OK size. The only thing I notice is its hardly mentioned here. Is that because its good or bad or just not interesting?

I would love to know what other people are thinking about this tablet?

Thanks for checking this post
It is an OK deal, but I would wait, the Gen9.5 with the higher speed Processor (quad core vs Dual core) should be out really soon and better performance for supposedly the same money or cheaper for existing stock.
Thanks Gurgle, right now in Australia it's nearly $200 cheaper than any other brand name option with similar features and the add in 3g dongle will work although I do find I am more likely to tether to my phone when I need connectivity outside wifi

I couldn't find any reference to the amount of RAM in G9 devices is it 1 Gig?
If you can wait then the G9.5 is obviously a better option, however having just got a 80 G9 I don't think you would be disappointed with the current performance.
The hidden open secret of the Archos G9 is the amount of RAM. It is 512, but I have heard very few major complaints. I think that is how Archos can make it a bit cheaper. The 3G USB slot is a nice touch. It was really tempting to buy one of the Dongles for my Gen8 101. If you have the itch now, I would say scratch it. The one thing to remember is this conversation. It is not to kick yourself when Gen9.5 comes out in a month. and your Gen9 is 50-100 cheaper.