my coby MID7015a does t no let install anything

dr cae

Mar 23, 2011
hello first of all, sorry for my grammar but i m from argentina and my inglish is very rusty my problem is that my coby MID7015a does t no let install anything whe i m trying to dowload an app a sing appears asking for permission (i already give permission to donwload from other pleases diferent to the app list that came with the tablet) please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yo soy de chile asi que nos podriamos entender algo mejor.
que version de android tienes ?
hiciste el proceso de root ?
asi tal vez te podamos ayudar mejor


I'm from Chile,
What android version is currently installed on your tablet ?
did you execute root process ?
with this we could help you
Hola vortex gracias por contestar te explico la saque del la caja la prendi entre al icono de app store con el q te viene de fabrica baje actualizacion del app store q te pide cuando entras por primera vez baje un administrador de archivos y des pues no pude bajar mas nada ni desde ahi ni desde mi pc no le hice el root ni nada tengo el android con el q me vino de fabrica el 2.1 eso dice la caja, podes ayudarme por favor lo unico q quiero instalrle es el documents to go y el mozila
Yo compré la tablet en Fravega hace 2 semanas y no tuve problemas descargando de appslib hasta que actualicé el firmware con el bajado del sitio de coby. Ahora no me deja instalar ninguna aplicaion, simpre me dice que no hay espacio disponible. Lo que si puedo hacer es descargar libros desde el Alkido ¿vos podés hacer esto?
POstée el problema en varios lados (incluido el sitio del importador en Argentina (que para mi sorpresa parece que contestan bastante las dudas). Si sé algo te aviso, y te pido lo mismo.

Hey guys, sorry to say this, but its a forum rule to use English when posting. If you are having troubles speaking it (actually typing it), then use google translate.
Thanks, I did not write the rules, but am just making sure they are obeyed, so something bad doesn't happen to this forum because it rocks!
Yes, you're right. I just wrote my post in spanish because the original was. So:

I bought the tablet in Fravega 2 weeks ago and had no problem downloading from AppsLib and applanet until I updated the firmware from the Coby Site. Now I can't install any aplication, the tablet says no space is available. What I can do is to download books from Alkido you can do that?

I posted the problem on several sites (including the site of the importer in Argentina (which to my surprise it seems that answeres a lot of questions). If I get an answer I'll let you know, and ask you the same.
