NC Instances Of Resetting Increasing


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2010
Hey There,

My NC is rooted with the V1.01 upgrade. It has always reset every now and again, always when idle. This issue has been well reported in other posts. But recently the number of times that it resets has increased. So much so that the battery has run flat overnight from being about 80% charged.
Has anyone else noticed this? Is there a way to stop it occurring?
The last time it went flat, it was so flat that it had trouble recharging.

Any ideas?
Have you made recent changes that you thin might be linked? It shouldn't happen that often.
Thanks for the replies team. I was thinking along the lines that I'd installed something that is causing this issue. As I'm on the road for the next 5 weeks (including 4 in Brazil) I think I'll have a lot of hotel time to check it all out :)
I'll keep you posted on any findings.
Are you maxing out the processor or ram some how. Can you check your cpu usage and ram available somehow. It may be a memory intensive app/process that is causing this.