Need Help Rooting Coby Kyros M1024-4G Version 2.3 Gingerbread


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2011
Hi I need help on rooting my coby kyros. It is a Coby Kyros M1024-4G with 2.3 Gingerbread and has a Kernel Version of
I have tried the latest superoneclick 2.3.1 and z4root but still they are not working.

and i dont know if i can install a cfw for this coby. i tried the multitouch and it detects 8 simultaneously touchpoints. i hope somebody can help me. :)

thanks in advance.
yup its pre-installed one.i did everything right. followed the instructions. but the superoneclick still not working. i already have a post on your topic. but the GT version of my tablet is different from what youve posted.
Then you can either wait for a new SuperOneClick or try other tools for Gingerbread...
ok ive tried steev's instructions but on the first part i already got a permission denied.

failed to copy adb push 'su-v3' to 'system/bin/su-v3 : Permission denied
I see... It seems that system files are read-only on Telechips Android as well... So you will need a tool with an exploit indeed. If you use SuperOneClick, make sure it detects your tablet and use "shell root" first, then use full root.
ive tried shell root first but i think its not rooted or anything see log.

 daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
$ export PS1=""

whoami > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=13994

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

whoami: unknown uid 2000

END:13994export PS1=""

getprop ro.product.manufacturer > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=97790

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:97790export PS1=""

getprop ro.product.model > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=65947

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:65947export PS1=""

getprop > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=38141

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

export TEMPRANDOM=38141

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:38141export PS1=""

getprop > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=11001

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:11001export PS1=""

rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=69157

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:69157export PS1=""

rm /data/local/tmp/sh > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=96442

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:96442export PS1=""

chmod 700 /data/local/tmp/zergRush > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=41873

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:41873export PS1=""

cd /data/local/tmp/ > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=73194

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:73194export PS1=""

export TEMPRANDOM=73643;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;./zergRush

[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root

[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.

[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.

[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...

[+] Zerglings found a way to enter ! 0x10

[+] Overseer found a path ! 0x000159f0
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...

[+] Overseer found a path ! 0x000159f0
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...

[-] Zerglings did not leave interesting stuff

END:73643export PS1=""

its just says waiting for device but at the right corner it says "END:73643export PS1="
and then i tried to root still permission denied.
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
$ export PS1=""

getprop > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=53388

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:53388export PS1=""

getprop ro.product.manufacturer > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=31263

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:31263export PS1=""

getprop ro.product.model > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=50475

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:50475export PS1=""

getprop > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=12646

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output


END:12646export PS1=""

ls -l /system/xbin/su > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=35894

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

ls: /system/xbin/su: No such file or directory

END:35894export PS1=""

ls -l /system/bin/su > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=51069

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

-rwsr-sr-x    1 0        0            26264 Dec 17 13:23 /system/bin/su

END:51069export PS1=""

chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=45018

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:45018export PS1=""

rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=89115

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:89115export PS1=""

rm /data/local/tmp/sh > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=81491

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:81491export PS1=""

chmod 700 /data/local/tmp/zergRush > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=54287

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:54287export PS1=""

cd /data/local/tmp/ > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=12422

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

END:12422export PS1=""

export TEMPRANDOM=43743;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;./zergRush

[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root

[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.

[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.

[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00000118
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...

[+] Zerglings found a way to enter ! 0x10

[+] Overseer found a path ! 0x000159f0
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...

[+] Overseer found a path ! 0x000159f0
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...

[-] Zerglings did not leave interesting stuff

END:43743export PS1=""

export PS1=""

/data/local/tmp/busybox mount -o rw,remount /system > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=10110

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

mount: can't find /system in /proc/mounts

END:10110export PS1=""

mkdir /system/xbin > /data/local/tmp/output 2>&1

export TEMPRANDOM=70353

export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cat /data/local/tmp/output

mkdir: can't create directory '/system/xbin': File exists

END:70353export PS1=""

export TEMPRANDOM=39112;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;/data/local/tmp/busybox cat /data/local/tmp/3589490.tmp > /system/xbin/su

cannot create /system/xbin/su: permission denied

END:39112export PS1=""

export PS1=""

export TEMPRANDOM=97116;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;/data/local/tmp/busybox cat /data/local/tmp/8919617.tmp > /system/bin/su

cannot create /system/bin/su: permission denied

END:97116export PS1=""

im having a hard time at this one.hehehe. :D
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Do you have adb installed and running? Run these commands and copy the results here:

Those two lines I gave you, one at a time, using ENTER/RETURN in the end of each one...

Also, make sure you've done everythign correctly with SuperOneClick. This video shows you how to use it (from the_kwa for 7127, but it's pretty much the same for any tablet):
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it says that my coby appears to be rooted but its not. cause when i try to use the link2sd it cant access the root,also other applications that needs root access i cant run it. how come it is rooted but it says it cant create directory. permission denied. :D, i noticed that the link youve posted has the same kernel and version as mine. its not fair.hahaha..why i cant root my coby.grrrr..hahaha..

im a bit noob can i run adb?hahaha. i have installed the sdk package. but how can i run it. and how can i run those command i tried in "cmd" but i cant run it.hehe. i dont know if this is how to do it. i just run adb shell then run the command. see log

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