Need help with generic 7 tablet


Dec 31, 2010
Greetings, i was wondering if anyone has the original wmt2.1.2_105 that works with these generice tablets. If not can you recommend a rom that would work with it? It stopped working within 2 hours of use (crap) and i cannot find any rom that will work.

Hardware Performance
CPU VIA 8505
Processor Speed 533MHZ
Memory DDR 256MB
Built-in Nandflash 2GB(About 1GB is free to be used)
Extended TF Card (Support TF Card Up To 32GB)
LCD display 7” TFT digital display,800x480,16:9
Input Device Resistive Touchscreen
Camera Built in Webcamera
Internet solution 3G(Support external 3g USB modem)
Built in WIFI ( 802.11b/g WLAN Card)
Wired network(via the external usb port,package inlude it)