Need help with Kyros 7015 and ClockworkMod


Sep 23, 2011
Does anyone know how to fix my problem. I recently tried to update the clockworkmod to a newer version and now I can't get into clockworkmod. When I boot normally the touchscreen doesn't work. I also can't the computer to see the tablet when boot into USB.

Please HELP!!!
Unfortunately, I can't get into clockworkmod to do the upgrade. Is there anyway to reset the tablet to factory specs?
Do you mean you cant use your tablet anymore after updating clockwork?

Im not sure what you mean about your computer not seeing your tablet. Like when you plug in the usb your computer doesnt notify you that you have a usb device connected?
it may be you installed something else instead of clockwork. can you re-install your old clockworkmod again?
try to boot up without sdcard in and see what happens
With or without the SD card, the boot is the same. Touchscreen wont react to touches. Does anyone know how I can possibly reset this to factory default?

Use android screencast, run the commands to reinstall the old recovery and use the recovery to install the mod/stock firmwares(honey comb is the best for this tablet though!!!) if you cant get that to work learns some adb lol. Download a program, i have no idea of any but im positive there is one, that will install ALL the Coby drivers for your device,, if none of this works you may need to look around for a KDZ updater. Or you got a new paper weight haha! [email protected], put a link to this post in the email, and you can ship it to me and ill try to fix it.. If i can fix it its $30 plus shipping if i dont fix it ill pay for the shipping.
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