New Gen 8 Firmware release:2.4.19


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Aug 6, 2010
New Gen 8 Firmware release:2.4.19
Archos has released a new firmware release. V2.4.19) I have downloaded and successfully installed without issue. (This is still Froyo 2.2.1)


The following are the listed changes and improvements.
* Display: improve UI fluidity
* Display: suppress black/white screen happening sometimes when exiting suspend
* Applications: increase compatibility with third party music players
* Applications: fix black camera image for skype upstream video
* Video: fix some mp4 files stopping with audio errors
* Video: fix some H264 streams not decoding correctly
* Audio: fix some FLAC files not playing correctly
* Internationalization: improve Spanish, Italian, Dutch translations

I will provide added detail if I notice any other features.

just upgraded to the latest firmware as well. i guess the 256mb ram limits the performance. the tablet still lags. not sure even if firmware upgrade to 2.3 helps.

Sent from my LG-P990 using Android Tablet Forum
I have the archos 101 tablet and get the info message that a firmware update is available. I step through process (do you want to update) and always get the "storage not available" error dialog that contains the message: You can not download and install a firmware update while your device is connected and mounted through USB.

I am not connected to anything when I attempt to download the firmware via wifi. I have rebooted and get the same error.
Following other blogs, I have attempted to connect to my PC and mac with my miniUSB cable (from my HTC incredible phone) but the best I get is a new drive in win7 that errors when I click on it (please insert device). Mac doesnt even see the USB device. On the tablet I have clicked on the usb "mount" button and I only see the spinning wait icon...

Any ideas ?
It could be the USB cable. I found I cannot use some of my Mini-USB cables with my Tablets. (Archos and Others) Try a different cable is my first suggestion

When did you get this 101? Have you updated the Firmware previously? There were USB connection problems in manufacturing earlier in this year. Some of these are still out there. Archos will repair these under warranty. Be advised you will not get your same device back, It will be a replacement unit.

I think that is your best option with the information you provided in regards to your USB.
In regards to your OTW FW update, You must be connected to a Power Supply when updating a FW. And if you have installed too many apps, you can have D/L problems and verification of the D/L of the FW.
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Thanks for your update.
I just bought it the other day from a computer retailer here in NC, but they could have had it on the shelf for a while...
I will try another USB cable, there was not one with the unit in the box.

I do have a few apps installed, but also had it connected to a power cord when attempting FW update. I always get the same error message which seems misleading a bit I guess. I will delete a bunch of stuff and try to get back to manufacturer state and retry the OTW FW update. If that fails I guess I open an incident with Archos somehow or go back to my retailer ?
take care.
I would take it back asap if you have not had it that long. I would try another USB cable first, But.... My unit I got in Dec came with a USB cable, which makes me think yours might be a restocked unit.