New member - ex Linux


Aug 2, 2012
Hello. I am new to this world. I previously used Ubuntu Linux and before that Windows. I now have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 running Ice Cream Sandwich. I have a lot to learn and look forward to it. I have a background in IT.
Since you started out talking Linux, what distort are you currently using, if any.
Or have you given up PCs all together in favor of your android tablet?
Which in case you don't know, android is based off a Linux kernel, so your still using Linux.
I started years ago with Xenix, then SCO Unix then Ubuntu. How do I get behind Android to the unix command line?
vampirefo. said:
Quoting from cell phone sucks lol. Anyway welcome to the forum.

It,s very slightly easier from a tablet:) How do i switch on email notifications of a post to the thread?
ROTFLMAO, I just noticed on my earlier post I asked what distro MM was using and my tablet spell corrected to distort.
I love these little gadgets but the spell correct is a mixed blessing.
Times I need it and it does not give any help and other times I spell correctly but it does not recognize and changes the word.
Hello MonocleMike, welcome to the forum and congrats on your new Galaxy Tab 2 10.1. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
I started years ago with Xenix, then SCO Unix then Ubuntu.

Wow.. I have not heard those O.S. in a while. You have definitely been in IT field for a while. I used to use SCO Unix back in the day before switching over to Linux.. been using Linux since Red Hat 5.0 came out years ago.. I use Debian and Ubuntu. I've been on the forum a few days myself. It's a great place to get info, especially in regards to the amount of "other named" tablets out there. Welcome aboard. :)
I really go back rather further than that - when LEO1 was still working! 1964. I am managing to use this tablet as a PC replacement for most things but not quite all. It even manages an ongoing spreadsheet with 289 weekly rows so far and the associated chart.