New member


Oct 21, 2011
Hello all. I have a Nook Color that was rooted by the person that sold it to me at Barnes and Noble. Yes, the rooting took place in a discreet place and I did pay $50. I love my Nook Color rooted. The only complaint I think I have is; I am unable to watch flash video's unless I use the Skyfire browser recommended by the rooter (the browser has no pause play controls etc. This is rough at best. I will take any suggestions or links to get me going running flash of some sort? I also purchased the Nook Color for my daughter and Girlfriend, theirs are not rooted. I also own an AWESOME HTC EVO 4G from Sprint (Oh, come on, I hardly have any trouble with them for 10 years and going, heehee). I am very happy with this phone and have almost no trouble with it. I also own a Toshiba Satellite laptop.

Sooo, I am looking to hopefully get flash of some sort running on my "machine" arrrr!
Also, I am wondering if I can figure out what method the individual who rooted my "machine" used? I think I can still get in contact, but I prefer to do some stuff on my own?
Hello and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your new Nook, glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. I'm moving your post to the Nook Color Technical section of the forum. Someone there should be able to help you out.
Welcome, and congrats on your Nook. You shouldn't only have to use a specific browser for Flash. Also consider this which will allow even more options beyond a rooted Nook while leaving your rooted Nook alone If you like it enough you can replace the rooted Nook on the internal memory with a custom ROM such as this entirely.

Go to the Market and find Dolphin Browser and see if that works better for you. There are many other browsers too so feel free to search since this issue has been discussed and don't be afraid to download and try several to find your preference.
