New Owner and Getting Annoyed


Jun 24, 2012
I've had a Tablet S for about 3 weeks now and while generally pretty pleased with the tablet, there are things that are really annoying:
1. Some websites that link to others go blank when you return via the "back" button. Refresh does nothing. Happens consistently with Chrome and the tablet default browser.
2. Downloads from many secured websites (like a credit card statement) either don't work or are hidden in a mysterious folder somewhere. I have a file manager and can't find them.
3. Printing. I find this incredibly frustrating. Whether it's a page or a photo or a pdf or whatever, it's painful and usually doesn't work. I have a canon ink jet printer and have installed canon's app. Doesn't work worth at all. There's an app out there, can't recall the name, but to get it to print requires an pricey upgrade to their "pro" version. An alternative is saving to Google Drive and printing from there. You gotta be kidding me? Printing is a basic function, there should be no reason why a decent, generic, reliable wireless printing app shouldn't be available.
4. Jelly bean - I sent an email to Sony and left a post on their support website asking about the upgrade. Not even an acknowledgement.
Next step is to call my brother, who uses an iPad. I have a week to decide whether to keep this otherwise sleek unit, but I'm getting closer and closer to the RMA phonecall. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Welcome to the forum

Sorry you're so frustrated with your tablet. I do have s suggestion or 2.

On #1 see if Dolphin HD makes a difference. I have also seen the same complaints when the tablet was having WiFi issues which can, at times be corrected with something as easy as a router restart. But sometimes it takes more, maybe even a channel change. Don't assume that if other WiFi devices are working well on the WiFi that the tablet will too.

#2. Some of the browsers can specify what the default download folder is but by default it should be in "downloads". My tablet isn't in front of me at the moment but I think it's Firefox that actually has a button to show/display the downloads.

#3 Here is where I think I might make you smile, I think. ;) Have you seen Google Cloud Print. If you haven't, it should be able to print ANYTHING to the printers on your computer or network. Now that I have said that a few apps just weren't designed to print. But Google Cloud print is FREE!

#4, all I can add is that the iPad could be a mistake. ;)
Welcome to the forum!

I print all of the time with PrinterShare (usually using CloudPrint). Yeah, it costs $12, but I have no issues with buying these software developers a beer or two for a decent app. You can use CloudPrint for free, but you have to set it up through a computer at home running Chrome and link the Cloud Print to your account.

Downloads using the stock browser can often have issue in my experience. I use Dolphin Browser HD for most of my browsing. Also check out ICS Browser+ as it is similar to the stock browser, but with lots of the issues fixed.

Jelly Bean....well, one of the issues of iOS vs Android is that on iOS Apple makes the hardware and software. Android, Google makes the software, others make the hardware. For tablets, iOS has 3 devices to make the software run on, and all are quite similar. I know that for Asus there are 8 tablet models, Acer has at least 6, Samsung has 25 different tabs when you consider each of the different 3G tablets, Motorola has at least 7 different tablets (Xoom & Xyboard), and Sony has 2. Not to mention how many other tablet OEMs exist with unique configurations.

Google makes the overall code for the OS, but it is up to the manufacturers to make Google's code work with their hardware.

When Apple releases iOS 6, it will be instantly available. When Google releases an OS it takes time for the hardware OEMs to perfect it. ICS dropped in November, the first (major) tablet to get it was the TF201 in mid-January, and it still had some issues to get worked out. I would say it was late March before most of the bugs were truly worked out.

Is it right that Sony ignored you? No, but do understand that Sony most likely does not have their timeline figured out. It will be 1-2 months before we see any official Jelly Bean for any other tablets outside of the Xoom.
Both replies are much appreciated. I'm still on the fence, however, after visiting the Denver Sony story yesterday. I noticed a startling fact: almost all Sony Table S accessories are sold out except for a few neoprene cases, no leather cases, one cradle for $10, a power adapter, and a couple keyboards. Also, both the 16 and 32gb tablets were discounted $50. At least, in the Denver area, all big box stores have no Sony tablets on their shelves and profess to know nothing. When you read about the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tech specs, it gets harder and harder holding on this otherwise fine unit especially when you consider the price. It shouldn't be this hard.