new to tablet would apreciate some advice reguarding software/upgrades =D


Apr 1, 2011

im realatively new to using android (or any linux based software come to that) ive just read trough the FAQ for beginners and it was brilliant.

ive resently bought the zenithink zt180 10" gen 2 epad an i was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand with afew ideas id like to try?.. or at least if you could point me in the right direction, that would be great.
ive spent the last week reading up on different things an so far ive had no problem (ie getting wifi to work, using usb modem an installing flash etc) but now ive come to (in my oppinion) the less simple bits,

i really would like to improve the overall stat of my epad (get it running faster, improving the ram capability an getting the most out of the cpu really, can you suggest any software or ways i might be able to do this?

the next thing is, i was thinking of upgrading to android 3.0 (honeycomb) not sure how or even if its the best os to use? whats your oppinion? an how would i do this?

2 more things what the best task killer software to use? and is it possible to change/increase the multi touch capability with a software change of some sort as its only single touch an its driving me mad at the moment? any help/advice would be greatly appreciated,

cheers =D
1) Maybe the app called Sysctl Config *Root* is what you're looking for?

2) I suppose you'd have to google around for a honeycomb rom, but IMHO it is not quite 'there' yet...

3a) I do not recommend using a task killer normally, but do recommend something like Watchdog Task Manager (Lite). The app page actually has a good explanation as to why you shouldn't use a task killer. However, if you really want to use one, try Advanced Task Killer.

3b) No idea. Been looking for one myself. If you run across one, let me know... :)

Hope this helps!