Noob's Tutorial request


Feb 8, 2011
I will post this also over at XDA.
I realize that I am a noob here and take it all in stride. 20 yrs in the US Navy can do that for you. Anyway…
I have a BB version of the S7. Rooted it with Z4Root, and have followed Xaueious Windows install for the recovery.

I have poured over both sites and have just not found a clear cut tutorial on the flashing or back up procedures. “Arqueiro” said it best need a dummies guide to this.

I also saw on one for the posts concerning not using a certain file type in the flashing process, as it causes the S7 to not take any more updates I think. I want to avoid that.
So, now getting to the point.

I know I should perform a back up first, so is that done with the recovery? If so how? I am sure that this post will help all of us noob’s out here.

How do I flash the Singapore ROM?
What are the watch out’s in the process. I am not scared of borking my tab (Do not want to Brick it though) as it is all a learning process and I am eager to learn.
To that I would also accept some encouragement as to how to start learning how to learn the development of firmware and ROM’s. I have my PC set up following the Developers site and picked up a couple of Java tutorials. What are some good tutorial’s and guides to follow?
To flash the Singapore ROM, you need to prepare a microsd formatted to be readable with the S7. Then create a folder named UPDATA, and drop the firmware files inside it. The firmware updates begins at next startup if all went well. You will lose all data.
Do I need to put in the files and unlmt.cfg as i have seen in many posts?