Nook Android App not saving content locally?

I assume it is the app not CM7. Not everybody has the problem. I can download and read just fine using CM7 and the B&N app. This being the Nook forum, I haven't heard enough about this on other platforms or ROMs to know if it is an issue across the board. The reason I assume it is the app is because CM7 is not really doing anything in this process. The app is supposed to sync with your B&N account and download the file. Then the app is supposed to open the file it has downloaded.

It looks like when I download a book through the B&N app it saves it to the following location SD>Nook>Content. It also saves a cover thumbnail to SD>Nook>Images.

To start completely over, try logging out, using an app such as Titanium Backup to wipe the app data, uninstall the app, delete the Nook folder from the SD card and reboot. Then redownload the app through Market. If that doesn't fix it I don't know what will.
Well, I now have it completely off my Nook. Since I am at work and not in a wifi zone I'll have to reinstall at home. Thanks for your help so far! :)

Edit: No good. However, I find my problem may be specific to the book I bought. I downloaded a couple of free previews and I can read them with no problem. I may have to go ask for a credit, but I really want to read this book! :(

Edit: Nope, not just one book. I find I can view previews and periodicals that are less than 500k, but full size books over 1MB will not open. I sincerely hope the app was not designed to load the entire book into memory whenever you open it because I do not have that much memory. I tired using the CM7 options to compress memory and close other apps when more memory is needed but that did not help. Anyone have any thoughts?
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Resolved! I again followed J515OP's suggestion in post 16, but with a twist. I went into the application settings in the CM7 settings and changed the location for where apps install from "automatic" to "internal". Then I reinstalled the Nook app, signed in and downloaded the book that I bought that started all this. I could open it fine. So, I rebooted and left wifi off and was still able to read the book. Next, i went back into the settings for where to install apps and changed it back to "automatic". Then, I turned wifi on and downloaded another full size book to make sure I don't have to play with these settings each time I want a book. Turned wifi off and I can still read that book as well. I assume when I installed the app it set the location for all future downloaded books. The one thing I did not check was the location of the app before I did all this. I saw that the Kindle app does not install to the SD card so that was my other clue that maybe the Nook was installing there and it just didn't like it.

I hope this helps someone else.
Glad it is working. Sounds like some good things to try for others who have had the issue.


Just a quick update. Books still download to a folder on the SD card. Guess it just didn't like running the app off the card if the book was more than 100 pages or so....