Nook HD+


Nov 28, 2012
I treated myself to a NOOK HD+ over Thanksgiving. I'd now like to crack it and gain superuser (su, root). So here I am lurking, watching for developments. I'm very ignorant of the command line; I'm a 'user' who prefers GUI.

A second thing: I was trying to register at but the verify human portion would not accept my input. I'm wondering if any members here can put me in touch with these people? (email perhaps?)?

Thanks, dsiddens
I'm very ignorant of the command line; I'm a 'user' who prefers GUI.

That makes two of us.;) Welcome to the forum dsiddens, nice to have you here as a new member. Congratulations on your new NOOK HD+, wish they'd had that one when I was looking for a tablet.:(

A second thing: I was trying to register at but the verify human portion would not accept my input. I'm wondering if any members here can put me in touch with these people? (email perhaps?)?

Did you try sending a message: Submit Tip / Contact Us! – Welcome to the development community

I noticed smalltowngirl13 is an administrator over there and also here. Perhaps she'll have some idea how you can join up.
Welcome to the forum. I see you already found your way over to the Nook HD+ area :)