Nook Table vs Nook Color CM7 1. on SD card


Jan 14, 2011
What is your opinions on this?

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
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It depends on what you want. NT is faster than NC even on CM7. At this time NT can't run CM7 or any other custom ROM.

If you want CM7 (and CM9 Ice Cream Sandwich) or any other custom ROM stay with NC.

If you want faster, a mic, more internal storage are ok with rooted B&N go with NT. Keep in mind at this stage it is not possible to run CM7, CM9 or any other custom ROM on NT and it may not ever be possible due to changes in the hardware.

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Thanks JP, do you know if there's a comparison chart posted somewhere or would someone like to make one, with the highest specs for the current CM7? I have the original NC running CM7.0.3 on SD and like it alot. Trying to upgrade to CM7.1 but have a file issue that I'll post on that thread.

Sent from my DROID2 using Android Tablet Forum
There is no comparison chart I am aware of like that. Here are the basic differences though the specs won't tell the story here. The NT is faster than the NC no matter what you do to the Nook Color.

Single Core Processor; Stock - 800MHz; Overclock - 1.2GHz (can go higher but risky)
RAM - 512MB
Storage - 8GB
Batterylife - in use same as stock, but several hours more standby with CM7 7.1.0 installed

Dual Core Processor; Stock - 1GHz; Overclock - unknown may not be possible
Storage - 16GB
Battery life - supposedly 1 hour more in use than stock NC, standby difference compared to CM7 unknown
Other Hardware - mic and slightly improved screen (same display resolution, possibly new anti glare coating and better efficiency)

Really CM7 or any other custom ROM or kernel isn't going to do anything to help the NC out performance wise. It is just that you have the option to run a true Tablet OS on the NC using one of these custom ROMs that you may never have on the NT.

The best case performance scenario for the NC is that it barely matches the stock benchmarks for the NT. In everyday use the NT is going to feel faster and run smoother. Downside is that you may not ever be able to install a custom ROM on NT for even greater performance.