OK to get rid of the Iconia Tab account and just use others for Cal and contacts?


Dec 18, 2011
For some reason if I have an appointment that is listed under Iconia Tab account, it won't synt to my Outlook Cal. If I set one for another account it will sync just fine to Google Cal and then my Outlook. Can I just get rid of that Iconia Tab account in settings or will that cause problems? (The sync is only showing contacts for the Tab account for some reason and I see no way to add cal so I'm assuming it's there by default.)

I never use that Iconica account. I disable it, and the calendar app I use allows me to not save anything to it.

With a Google account, you have free Google Calendar, and it syncs to all your devices and can even sync to your business account on Outlook. There is simply no reason to use the Iconica calendar for anything, and I can't imagine why they bothered to include it.

Just go into Settings / Accounts and Sync, and disable it all together, and make sure your calandar app is set to use only your Google Calendar.
You will also find many calendar apps on the market than the one that came with the tablet. I use the Free Jorte calendar on both my phone and tablet, and it syncs perfectly with Google Calendar or Outlook.

Some people get a bug up their nose about Google Calendar, but I love it. People send me meeting invites via Gmail, and the just automatically pop onto my calendar as a tentative event, which I can confirm later.
Thanks again for providing some good infomation. I've installed Free Jorte calendar at your suggestion and really like it. Much better than the default program (though I do like seeing the times of appts in the month view--but that's no big deal). Very nice indeed.

I use Google and while some things about them I don't like, one has to admit they have a lot that all can benefit from--like them or not.