Open Home or Other Customizing Options


Feb 4, 2011
I have d/l'ed Open Home and I like it to an extent. I like to be able to group all of my like programs into a folder, and i like the updated widgets. There seems to be some slow downs, but it is fairly customizable, but I was wondering if any of you are using something similar?

Is the use of this making you take a performance hit at all?
I use folders rather than the slide-out group.
It's easy just long click on a blank place on the desktop and a pop-up offers "Add folder"
After you add a folder just long click an item from the slide-out and it changes to a larger icon, drag that icon to the desktop and drop it on the folder.
Folders easily hold a dozen items. I'm using five folders, two for games Puzzles, Action, One for "Office" with the readers, textedit etc, one for "Tools" like wallaby, one for Travel with OsmAnd, CurrencyConverter, Translators etc.
To rename the folder - open it then long click on the title.