Overdrive app / Marketplace problem possible solution...


Dec 26, 2011
Hello, I have a Velocity Micro T103 Tablet.

I love this one series "The Five Ancestors" which I request from the library over and over again, mostly on audio book because the reader is awesome.

And I got a Tablet for Christmas, I saw that it seems possible to get e-audiobooks from my library KCLS by using Overdrive, but it uses the Android Marketplace app store to download, and I cannot access the marketplace much like other users, I was wondering if I could download it from somewhere else.

Also if someone could help me access the Android Market.

The Marketplace problem could probably be fixed if one person was willing to give up there google account for public use with an android device synced.

The Kindle app works on my Tablet, and I am able to download books to that from the library site.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

your local library should have a link connecting you to overdrive I use it as my secondary book source I love being able to ge free books from the local library
if your local library dosnt have a workable link use this one aclib.us it is the alachua county library portal they a working link there and they will walk you through the process it is easy to use
Thank you SOOO MUCH!!

I went to the website like you said, I found the same link I had before, and didn't figure out how to download it not on the android market.

But then! I looked under the android market thing, on the Overdrive site And found, a different download! It downloaded straight from the site!

Thank you so very very very much!