Pandigital 9" Root Flash with Android Market+apps


Dec 27, 2011
As a newb, I managed to upgrade my newly acquired PDN9. With due-diligence, alot of forum reading and learning, this device can be pretty
good. You can stream AVIs from your PC to the tablet wirelessly, using VLC Direct Pro. After a few days I ran across this forum topic, and took
the plunge (aka, no going back). Do not attempt this without knowing the risks, and I suggest reading the whole forum thread before attempting.
I spent nearly a whole day reading before I got the nerve to do it. I did it, it works. And for those that attempt, I hope it does for you too.

Alternate BPDN (9 inch) firmware - OPDN9 -

Not too sure how this forum accepts cross-linking, hope this helps.
DL the Rom from Pandigitals web-site, save it to root directory on your SD card, reflash. You can save it to your root directory on the internal sdcard.
If you want to return it, reset the settings in the system manager, drain the power on the tablet. Return it stating 'it wont hold a charge'. Get your money back
and buy something else (assuming here)