perfect sized tablet


Mar 12, 2011
hello guys,

I firmly believe that the size of samsung galaxy tab is the perfect for a tablet.
Having huge screen like ipad or other such tablets wuld be bulky to carry.
You can hold galaxy in your palm whereas not the ipad, u need two for that.
I request Samsung to keep the size of their future tabs to be nearabout current size.

Thank you
i agree that 7 inch's is pretty close to perfect but it depends on what your preferences are and having a 8 inch tablet and a 10 inch tablet i can see the draw of the bigger tablets
I'm really interested in the possibility of the pperhaps forthcoming 8.9. I have limited space to carry large gadgets and need my tablet with me most of the time. Nine inches seems about the best compromise between portability and realestate.

Sent from my SCH-I800
I agree 8 inch would be nice too. It is pretty neat that this thing fits in your back pocket.
Guys imagine walking on a street of an unknown city with ur ipad in ur palms
using it as a navigation device wuld be show off
Carrying it on the streets wuld uncomfortable
U also tend to drop that precious box in crowd
Galaxy tab wuld serve the purpose pretty well

What say???
I actually want 10.1 inch. When I first looked at the ipad I's so small.

Just depends what you want to do with it.