Personal info in .apk files?


May 25, 2011
So I recently sold an Android Tablet and reset it to factory Froyo. I had sideloaded a bunch of .apk's and actually shown pics of the tablet w/ Kindle app installed in my auction.

As a result, I feel obligated to sell it w/ at least the ability to install that app intact.

My question is, do .apk files contain merely the app (like a .exe), or do they have any embedded personal info?

I don't mind giving a disk or SD card full of apps. I just don't want to accidentally give away my user info.
That's a really loaded question. If the app is properly developed then data is separate from the actual APK. Unfortunately i have seen cases where information that should not be written to the executable is. If you are really worried I would erase the tablet completely and copy over new clean copies of any apps
Thanks for the advice. I was trying to avoid unpacking it, but I like your idea of just installing the .apk's. Better safe than sorry.

Done. .apk files installed. No personal files copied into the few apps I installed for them.
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