Photo Browser 3D force close on 3.1?


May 11, 2011
My "Photo Browser 3D" program is force closing upon start. It starts up, shows a black screen (only) for a few seconds, then a force close message pops up. I cant figure out what the deal is though. I have tried restarting my tablet and even a FACTORY RESET, but nothing is fixing the problem. The weird thing though, is that immediately after the factory reset, it worked (no pics on tablet though) but once I put my pics on, the problems started up again.

So, I am wondering 2 things:
1) Am I the only one experiencing this on 3.1?
2) Any clues as to what the problem is and/or how to fix it?

My "Gallery" app is working fine btw.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
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One other question:
3) If you are running 3.1, then please go to Settings > applications > all > Photo Browser 3D
What version do you all have? Mine says, which seems odd to me because I was expecting something like or

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
Did you try clearing the data cache for that app? That's what cured my problems with and the media server after the update to HC 3.1.
I have actually and no good :C
I have even reinstalled the apk by finding it in Root Explorer and clicking it, but not even that helped. I dont know what happened. I am rooted, but I swear that I didn't mess with ANYTHING in the system except use Titanium Backup to restore ONLY the apps that I had originally installed from the Market (I even went through and made sure that only those apps were selected for restoration).

I was thinking about contacting Acer, but I am pretty confident that all they would tell me is that I need to do a factory reset... which seems to be their solution to everything.
I was expecting to do a reset to solve my FCing problems, but that clear cache thing fixed everything (seemingly) on my Acer. One or two bad apps can really screw things up by genning up a lot of FCes.
Yeah, sometimes clearing the cache can solve many problems. In my case though, the program wont even stay open long enough to build up a cache; the cache is 0b and the option to clear it is grayed out.

AQ_OC, what version does your Photo Browser 3D say it is and does it work for you?
If it works and you are rooted... can I maybe have a copy of your apk file? Maybe my apk got corrupted during my update. If that is the case, then doing a factory reset will not help anyways because itwould continuously restore with the corrupted apk file.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
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I have version It seems to work, though I only have a handful of images on my device. I can play the slide show and flick through the various images.

I am not rooted, however, otherwise I'd be happy to send you the file. Perhaps someone is, as rooting of Android is a pastime.
Well thanks anyways AQ_OC. If anyone can help me in any way, Id appreciate it. I just know that if I contact Acer, they will tell me to factory reset, which I have tried twice now with no progress.

I need either a fix or a new apk I think.
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After another 2 factory resets, I realized that the app seems to work right after the reset, but sometime later, after restoring my pictures to the tablet, the stupid thing suddenly starts force closing upon startup!
I think Im just gonna give up and freeze the program via Titanium Backup to hide it from the Apps menu. I dont know what the deal is, but it worked in 3.0 without ANY issues whatsoever. So, if it doesnt want to work for me know, then screw it!