PIPO Max M1 screen defect!


Dec 13, 2012
Hello, I purchased a Pipo Max M1 this week as a Christmas present. Having used it for a short amount of time to make sure everything is in order I noticed that there is a gap of light emitting from one side of the tablet under the screen. This is not screen bleed as such, it is like there is a tear or gap between the touchscreen and the lcd only in one area. If you are loking at the screen from an acute angle it is pretty evident.


As you can see it does not go all the way round the device. I have been online and found only a few other tablets with this problem including the iPad. It does not seem to be common. I am still within the 7 days period for returns and am really not happy with this problem.

Does anyone else with a Pipo (any other tablet for that matter) have this problem?

Many thanks for your help.
I must add that i like the tablet alot in the brief amount of time I have used it, it is just this defect that has me worried.