Please assist by clarifying which Android OS i should get - v2.3 v3.2 v4.1 or.....


Oct 16, 2012
Trying to decide which 10" tablet - probably Chinese, I will buy. Not sure about the range of Android OS on offer from v2 to v4.1 etc. I would have thought each manufacturer as they released new models would be using latest version, or does it nor really matter.:confused:

Thanks for any responses
Hi Murph, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. In general, the newer more expensive tablets usually do come with latest version of the OS available at the time of manufacture. In some cases, a newer version comes out after the tablet is released and the manufacturer will provide an update to the latest version free of charge. Many times what you're looking at are older, but still current tablets that have an older version of the OS. Sometimes a tablet will be a new one with an older OS, because it's an inexpensive one and the hardware isn't capable of running the new software. It's the usual, "You get what you pay for." Does it matter? Only if a feature you "have to have" is only available on a later version. Both my tablets are running older versions of Android, and I'm perfectly happy with them the way they are. They do everything I bought them to do.:rolleyes: