Please Help me


Mar 9, 2011
i have i robot tablets WMT2.1_88 (7" LCD)
Green LED (RED charg) 9V.charger
vibret when turn it on.

yesterday i try to flash many (>20+) Rom,but don't have any rom work for my pad
and now it 's stuck on "Prepare sofware package..." (when i try to flash it again)
i already try
- to use another Micro SD card(FAT32),
- try to format with Hp format flash
- try to connect with my PC (not detect) use RKAndroid
it have another way to re flash my PAD ? and how to ? Please Help me
and sory for my bad english




and this is rom that i have downloaded and try to flash my pad
Thank you.for Reply.But it still stuck in "Prepare sofware package..."
Look like it can't Flash Rom any more...
You're very welcome, all I can say is to go on, I've tried for some devices 20 ROMs untill the right has been found, give it another try, just load up firmware on your sd and don't forget to format your sd before copying the script! Would be great if you post which ROM eventually works for your device so others are helped by your experience. Good luck !
Thank you.I to your Website (-=[HcH's TechKnow]=-) and already Download 2.1_88,
and now my pad is stuck on Upgrading System....Please wait... i try it many time.
i think may be my pad is hardware problem