Problem with google music ?


Dec 16, 2011
I have an Acer 7 inch Iconia I bought on Black Friday. The sound is fantastic when plugged into the aux jack in my car stereo. I've loaded probably 60 or 70 of my cd's onto the microSD 32 GB card. My problem is that google music only plays 2 or 3 songs before the software locks (or whatever it's doing). The tablet still works but the songs no longer play.

I'm guessing this is a simple problem. I'm a total beginner on the android tablet system.

Any tips ?


Need a little more info about this. Are you playing your songs off the device itself? can you reload the app and have it play again or do you have to reboot the device? Is it going to sleep?
Please excuse any ignorance on my part here. I attached the tablet to my desktop and dragged about 60-70 cd's worth of my music. I loaded them onto a 32 GB micro sd card. It shows up as external storage. The cd's show up in what I take to be Google Music. In what I believe to be Google Music, the cd's appear as cascading cd's with the titles and artist names but without the cover art At least 3 times now I've started music playing in Google Music and after anywhere from 2 to 5 songs, the music stops. The pause/play icon (not sure of terminology) shows pause, as if the music is playing. The graphic guage showing the playing time elapsed is set at the beginning and not moving. I can tap the various "icons" - the camera shutter sound thingy sounds each time I tap something but nothing happens. It's as if the application goes to sleep. The tablet isn't asleep though. I can scroll back and forward to another screen.

The cd's also show up when I tap Docs To Go. I haven't explored this app as much.

I've tried to be as graphic as I could in describing the problem.

Thanks ,

Just want to update. I've had problems playing music with other players too - not just google music. I've used NemoPlayer, WinAmp, and the Amazon player. Someone on one of the subforums (can't recall which one) mentioned having a problem playing music on an Asus. This makes me believe that the problem is some sort of bug in the Honeycomb OS. I'm hoping that the new (ICS) will fix the problem and also hope Acer pushes the update out to their A100's.

Someone suggested turning "off" the screen timeout when playing music. This did help, but the music still stopped every several songs and I had to keep tapping the "play" icon/button.

Hope this gets fixed.
