Purchase a Dell Streak Tablet for only $99!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 26, 2010
... but of course there is a catch to this very low price. You must sign up for a 2 year contract with AT&T to be eligible for the $99.00 price. Best Buy is the retailer that is offering this price. If you would rather purchase this tablet without any hidden charges Dell is selling the tablets for $399.99.

Appears that Best Buy is able to sell the Dell Streak at a very low price, as they are trying to sell out these models in the light that the Dual-Core Dell Streak will be hitting U.S markets in 2011.

Very interesting stuff... if your interested in this kind of tablet.
Yea... I agree. I'm very hesitant about contracts, especially with wireless providers. It's bad enough that I'm in a contract right now, especially as I have an old windows phone. I'm lucky my work pays for my 2nd account, so I can use a Droid2 :)