Questions for the Sylvania SYTAB7MX Tablet (Car charger & downloading apps)

Dec 15, 2011
Can you charge this particular tablet (Sylvania SYTAB7MX) with a car charger? I bought one that plugs through the AC power port (as I read in other posts that you can't charge these machines through the USB) but it did not work. I travel with this alot and do not want to be limited to just the wall socket. Also, is this unit compatible for the android market site to download apps? I was able to install amazon apps store and it works fine but everytime i want to download an app through the android market, it says there is no device associated with this account or email or something like that. What is it I am not doing? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hopefully I read this correctly. In order to use the Android Market, you have to have a Google account. Just setup a free gmail acount and it should work.
Hopefully I read this correctly. In order to use the Android Market, you have to have a Google account. Just setup a free gmail acount and it should work.

That is how you do it in a nutshell. Be sure to log into your YOUTUBE.apk acct. using your Google email account BEFORE setting up your email on your tablet. This will eliminate a lot of issues later, don't ask me why, it just is what it is and how these things work. After you do that, download this - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! and you should have a 'semi' working Google Market (some people just get free apps only using this, some get paid apps) IF you do the whole Google thing and download all of the Google Framework, Gmail, GooglePartnerSetup, Google Calendar and CalendarSync APKs, and all that jazz, you will get the whole working Google market.
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Can you charge this particular tablet (Sylvania SYTAB7MX) with a car charger? I bought one that plugs through the AC power port (as I read in other posts that you can't charge these machines through the USB) but it did not work. I travel with this alot and do not want to be limited to just the wall socket.


Get a cheap single plug inverter that plugs into your cigarette lighter from Walmart and it works great.