Questions galore...

Oct 4, 2011
First off, I'll be honest and say I know absolutely nothing about the tablet platform or anything like that. However, I'm looking into finding one for my son that's affordable and will work. Obviously, I'm concerned with the fact that knowing nothing about them I might get my butt handed to me and buy a complete piece of junk that doesn't work.

So let me first say, I can't spend super amounts on one. I wish I could buy from say...a well known manufacturer but I've got 4 kids total in this house and anything over about 120 bucks is just out of the question, especially considering the kid is 6.

The reason why I'm looking into one is because he's an uber intelligent 6. He loves anything academic and loves educational based games, which just from a quick look around, can be found in abundance. Also, an e-reader would be fabulous as he's a huge reader and at this point reads at least 3 years above his grade level. That's one of the reasons I'm not really looking into a new DS (most of the educational games are geared towards younger kids) and I've thought about the new Leapfrog tablet but it probably would provide him no challenge, plus it appears that each app is around 10 bucks a piece.

So we're not looking at anything that has to be super flashy and have a ton of gadgets that the average adult would need. Just something where I can get a hold of great educational apps for the kid. He'll sit around doing math problems, reading books, spelling words, drawing, etc all day if he has the tools.
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Hi, welcome to the forum. Glad you joined us at Android Tablets. Nice to have you as a member here.
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First of all welcome to the forum. Perhaps the Andy Pad would be a good tablet PC solution for your child? Mind you, it's a small amount over $120 but not much, brand new you can buy one for £129.00 which isn't so bad really. It's your choice of course, but in my opinion I would stay away from no name knockoff tablets, yeah they are dirt cheap but that's typically because they are built so cheap.

Anyhow, you can find out more about the Andy Pad here:

If this tablet is not something you're interested in I know there's enough good people here on this forum to offer some other suggestions. Good luck on your search and hope that link helps.
Unfortunately £129 is an awful lot more than $120! The Andy Pad looks great but it also looks like a UK thing... would it work in Arkansas?

I'm sneakily watching your thread in the hope of getting advice for myself :)
hello I Am new to all of this forum and pc and you name it I Am not that knowledgable. I just got my new android tablet pc and I dont know that much about techie things but I just bought a tablet pc android and I cant get the internet to connect can you help