Reader by Sony not displaying PDFs in good quality


Oct 20, 2012
I've just purchased a Sony S1 32GB tablet and I wanted to see how well magazines were displayed on it.

I have 2 PDFs of some high-quality magazines and I copied them over to my internal storage.

I used Adobe Reader to view these PDFs and they take a longer time to load properly but the quality is unparalleled. Also, the entire page gets resized properly on landscape view.

When I open these same PDFs on the Reader app, as I zoom in, I notice that the text does not get any sharper and the entire magazine looks really blurry.

I prefer the Reader app because it has better navigation, allows for custom brightness settings and it is just faster.

Is this a known problem or is there something I'm missing? Does anyone know of another app that can display these PDFs in great quality for reading?