Recovering a bricked X5A/X6D tablet


Feb 4, 2011
Dear all,
I'm new to the Android world and due to my inexperience
I bricked my Tablet MID X5A/X6D (TCC 8902).
After an unsuccessful attempt to upgrade the firmware to Froyo 2.2
I'm now with a tablet that doesn't go further the boot, keeps restarting continuously, can't access the recovery mode (when I try a black screen appears),
it is listed using "adb devices" but whenever I try to push something in it
or simply opening the shell ("adb shell") it keeps saying that tablet is
in read only mode or that I don't have the necessary permission to run /system/bin/sh.

What are my possibility now? Is there any way I can recover my tablet?
If so can you please explain it to me? (rather in detail, I don't want to mess up
more than this).

Thanks a lot to all of you for your help,
hope I can recover it somehow

Cheers, -Luca
adb remount from the shell?

I googled a bit and it seems to remount as writeable if it's mounted as read only.

another suggestion I found was busybox mount -o remount,rw /system but I couldn't find information wether busybox comes shipped with some devices or if you have to install it.

If I understand your problem the remount command should do the trick. I don't know if you have to have root access (you probably do), but then again maybe you had to have that anyways to try to update to froyo.

I can't really say that it's the way to go since i have another tablet and another problem (check my thread ;) ) but I'd try the remount command if I was in your shoes.

Best of luck!
Hi Ahon,
my problem is that now adb doesn't interface anymore with the tablet,
so any command I issue doesn't work :)
Thanks for the attempt, -Luca
I have the same problem. Thought I could boot by usb by shorting out on the motherboard( ie altering switch), but when I do this pc does not recognise the usb device. It is as if I need some different drivers installed. Any ideas as tablet is bricked now. Cheers