Remote access to my home PC?


Sep 2, 2012
Hello All... New to the tablet, and just bought the Coby MID8042-4 to be used primarily for work while I'm on the road. I'd like to install some app that would be able to access my home computer so I can pull up Quickbooks etc... Any suggestions?
Welcome to the forum

Your easiest solution would be to get LogMeIn on the PC (free) and the LogMeIn Ignition on the tablet, (not free)

You could also do RDP (remote desktop) but the setup is going to take some work.
May be a bit much depending on your level of tech knowledge but Ive found the cheapest and most reliable method of remote access is a desktop linux installation and a router that supports dynamic ip. Everything from file access to remote desktop is already installed on the desktop and the apps in play store are free. This also has the advantage of having a linux server as your file server so no windows glitches taking down your ability to get much needed files. Logmein is the way to go if your on windows but I have always felt they were a shady company. If you know you might need the files beforehand couldnt you use a free cloud service like google? From you saying quickbooks Im guessin you are trying for remote desktop. If windows is what you need and you dont wont to pay as the man said before it will take a bit of setup but its relatively easy. It would go in steps like this for windows

1 Have a way to get your IP
Most home internet have changing dynamic IP so you need something either running on your computer checking your IP and emailing to you or you need to have a router that supports a Dynamic IP service which allow you to use a set address to connect to your home

2 Setup your connection.
First you need make sure remote desktop is enabled which there on many howto's on google to show you how. After this point if you are using a router you need to set the target computer to a static ip which usually is as simple as going into the computers network configuration and typing in 1921.168.1.110 in the ip address field. From there you need to go into your home routers setup and in port forwarding open a port for your target computers ip for the port that the window remote desktop uses which also can be found on google. After this either setup dynamic ip on the router or run your ip emailing program.

Now as long as you have your ip to your home and the proper ports are open you can remote desktop in using any of the many free remote desktop programs on play. You will not be able to do file transfers with this though, just remote desktop.
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Pocket Cloud, Splash whatever are two of several applications for remote playing. A note though, performance in terms of speed lacks, screen size is a factor and getting use to the mouse and other things makes an experience that may not be what you expect. I routinely used the above two applications and have reduced reliance by finding Android applications that use the same file structure or can be converted.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I love Pocket Cloud Explorer as I can access any and all of the files on any of my systems when I'm on the road. (Yes, I know it doesn't address the original question but I do like it a lot and the Explorer part is FREE)
Hi there!
I use LogMeIn on mydesktop to access my pc at Habitat while at home. New to tablet, and i just tried accessing the Habitat pc. Seemed to be fine, got connected. But, I could not get the keyboard to type in my pasword once connected t o the Habitat pc. Help. Thanks
You can also look at Ericom AccessToGo, a free RDP client for Android tablets and phones. You can use AccessToGo to connect from Android devices to your home Windows PCs, as well as to terminal servers and virtual desktops.

Google Store link
Here's a link to a review:

You can also download it from the Google Play store

Please note that I work for Ericom
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You can also look at Ericom AccessToGo, a free RDP client for Android tablets and phones. You can use AccessToGo to connect from Android devices to your home Windows PCs, as well as to terminal servers and virtual desktops.

Google Store link
Here's a link to a review:

You can also download it from the Google Play store

Please note that I work for Ericom

I added a link to the Google Store to make your post totally legal. BTW, your user name kinda gave you away.