[Review] Ten One Design Pogo Sketch Pro

Tom T

Senior Member
Feb 18, 2011
Great feel, size and balance and a new Pro tip

I've been searching for an effective capacitive stylus solution for use with both my Asus Transformer and Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 plus and I recently received the Pogo Sketch Pro.

Some initial observations upon opening the package - The stylus, which comes with a cloth drawstring bag for storage and transportation, has an incredibly comfortable and balanced feel to it, but came with two Pro stylus tips, which are a modified rubber design, instead of the advertised combination of one Pro and One Standard tip. This caused me some initial concern because I have used the original Pogo Sketch with the standard tip, which I believe is a type of capacitive foam that glides smoothly across the screen, and found it to be far superior to the usual rubber tips that are all but useless for anything beyond tapping the screen. The downside to the capacitive foam tip is that it softens over time, causing it to becomes less accurate while increasing the risk of the metal barrel coming in contact with the screen. The reason i decided to give this stylus a try was based on my previous experience with the standard tip and the desire for a more comfortable form factor with the added possibility that the new Pro tip would live up to the companies claims of superior performance. Suddenly that possibility had become a necessity.

As I mentioned earlier I found the ergonomics of the Sketch Pro to be excellent, the bottom half of the stylus is encased in rubber which ensures a secure grip, but all that is meaningless if the Pro tip doesn't perform. Fortunately the modified rubber design simply works. It is one of the smaller diameter tips I have used, with numerous pin size holes in the rubber. As far as I can tell the holes allow airflow to cut down on friction, and this, along with the added benefit of a reduction in friction generated heat, results in smooth and accurate movement of the rubber across the screen. To say I was relieved would be an understatement. This new Pro tip is easily the equal to any stylus tip I have tried and in combination with the Pogo Sketch Pro design it is a nearly unbeatable combination.

One thing I should address about the Pro tips are reports that they deteriorate quickly. Thankfully this has not been my experience. I haven't kept track of the time I've spent with actual tip to glass contact but I have used a single tip extensively for five days now with no noticeable wear. I can only conclude that some people are using excessive pressure which isn't necessary as it seems to funtion reliably with fairly light pressure. I was concerned enough with these reports that I added two extra tips to my stylus order, believing at the time I would receive only one of the Pro tips packaged with the stylus. Now I have four and given my experience so far I should be fine for quite some time.

I still would like to get a standard tip for comparison and I may try to contact Ten One Design to see if they are available, but regardless of how that turns out I can honestly say my search is over. I have found a stylus i can live with, and for me that's saying a lot.

I should mention that in my search I also found the Caseen Vibe to be a great stylus as well as a couple "Trent" models, the one I tried had a twist out ink pen on one side but the capacitive tip was larger than the Caseen or the Pogo Sketch Pro. Each of these was under $10, a good value in my opinion.