[ROM][Feb. 15 2011] >> phiremod nook BETA 2 << Themed Froyo 2.2.1

You can try to use Market Enabler, on the second tab long hold t-mobile US and then choose fake now. This was part of the original install instructions on XDA for Beta 2 but has since been removed for new version (V5) instructions. Credit to Ishroeder for reminding me about this.

I did do the market enabler during my install but unfortunately no dice :( are you able to find Dolphin Browser HD in your market? I think I'll just try to find the apk somewhere and sideload it...
Using option #2 w/Nook Color tools solved the problem, thanks a ton Rico2001!! Btw, do you plan to do phiremod v5? Or will you stick on BETA 2 for awhile?

Np glad to help. Sticking with Beta2 for now. I'm happy with 2.2 till 3.0 roms get released. There isn't a whole lot of differences between 2.2 and 2.3. I've played with Ultimate Droid rom a bit for kicks and giggles.
YMMV, but CM7 is working great for me. Wifi works great and I've got Bluetooth :). Sticking with it until HC is solid.
I'm having an issue installing some apps; I get the "Missing Shared Library" error message (namely on Yelp and OpenTable apps). I was wondering if there is any free app that allows you to change R/W permission in the System/App folder (I think Root Explorer is like $4 or something); I'd like to try installing the new market apk to see if that solves the problem...
I've asked this once but not heard back, sorry to bother folks but I'm going to try one more time :) Then I'll give up!
My Nook can't geo-locate. It has no clue where I am via wifi. I've tried everything I can think of to get geoloction to work and it's all for naught. Has anyone run into this and might have a reason? Google Maps hasn't a clue, weather widgets don't have a clue....so there's something fundamentally wrong w/ this particular service in my setup but I don't know what I should try and fix.

Thanks for any help in advance!
I've asked this once but not heard back, sorry to bother folks but I'm going to try one more time :) Then I'll give up!
My Nook can't geo-locate. It has no clue where I am via wifi. I've tried everything I can think of to get geoloction to work and it's all for naught. Has anyone run into this and might have a reason? Google Maps hasn't a clue, weather widgets don't have a clue....so there's something fundamentally wrong w/ this particular service in my setup but I don't know what I should try and fix.

Thanks for any help in advance!

You need to have adb access and be familiar with using it.

Quick how to:

remount rw so we can modify /system

adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system exit
copy over the two files from the zip:

adb push com.google.android.maps.xml /system/etc/permissions/com.google.android.maps.xml adb push com.google.android.maps.jar /system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar
reboot the device

adb shell reboot

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Thanks Rico...I tried to use ADB and kept getting the message.... error: protocol fault <no status>

Tried to resolve that issue but found no real support as to what was going on.

So instead I just used root explorer to put the two files into their proper directories. Rebooted.

No luck. Same issue w/ google maps unable to give me the blue dot!

Any other suggestions?

Thank you!