Root progress!!!

It's rooted! Big props to indirect and anlog in paticualr. Still work to be done but root access is a big staring point. Boot loader needs to be cracked now to enable the nice booting features we have enjoyed with NC.

Oh,and it only took 2 days past the official release for all you panic people out there ;)
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I was thinking of giving it a try, but right now it still sounds a little tweaky. I know I could just do a factory restore if I mess up, but maybe I'll wait for a slightly more polished approach with a few successes in front of me.
Definitely a step in the right direction, lets hope they can follow through and finish the job.:cool:
Congrats on your root tonyp. It's not that hard to do at this point (well from reading anyway since I don't have a NT) but you need to make sure you have the right drivers and boxes checked/unchecked. Like tonyp said read the thread at xda and make sure you don't just jump into it at the first set of directions you come across. If you read a couple of time first it should be pretty straight forward.
One tip that may not be clear from DSSTrainer's posts. At least on Win7 x64, do not plug the NT in via USB before doing the runmefirst step. If you do it will load defualt drivers that for some reason (on my system) messed things up. Fortunately for me I had a recent automatic Restore point, so I just restored to before having plugged in the NT. If you don't have a clean way to get back then you may have to figure out how to clear out that default driver installation.