Rooting Our Tablets Now Illegal ?

I thought that you can root, unlock the boot loader and flash custom Roms but what is illegal is unlocking your phone from one carrier to another carrier, it doesn't apply to me anyways:) :) :) I live in Canada and 95% of our phones are gsm with Sim cards, there's some phones that actually have dual Sim card slots to use on 2 different carriers. As for tablets, well ours are WiFi with no carrier so arrest me if you want:D:D:D:p:p

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD
According to this, you cannot carrier unlock phones purchased after jan 2013 unless it is done through your carrier.

Also, tablets are illegal to root. Do I think they are gonna crack down on this? Not really.
There's nothing illegal about rooting the A2109. Lenovo allows you unlock the bootloader without reverse engineering or "hacking" anything. With the bootloader unlocked, installing root doesn't require any reverse engineering or "hacking". And as vampirefo points out, Android is open source.