Run an office with tablets


Mar 11, 2013
Hello all-

I am have come up with the idea of ridding our office of the PC's and replace them with tablets. We have 4 computers, and an external drive networked. All our client files are stored on the external, and then we have a cloud setup for the files our employees need access to. The files consist of Word docs, images, and voice mails in an mp3 format.

Is anyone here doing anything similar. Can anyone provide thoughts to help the transition go smooth.

I bought one tablet so far (Samsung Note10.1) to integrate into everything and to start playing around and see how it might work. I have not figured how to network the tablet just yet, so I am in the very beginning stages.

Thank you


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
Welcome to the forum, glad you joined us.

There certainly have been a number of people who have managed to get their tablets to completely replace laptops, and so far the things that you have mentioned are quite doable, but if you ever had to install some other type of application did you might find that you need down the road it could be a problem. If you have a specific networking issue, so long as you have WiFi and the NAS is on the same network there shouldn't be an issue.

If you do run some kind of a problem just ask and we'll try to help you out.