Screen Responsiveness


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2011
I've noticed that The A700 occasionally has a tendency to miss the first tap.

You return to the main screen, tap some icon, and the tablet does nothing.
Tap again, and it launches the app.

Are others seeing this?

Things I've tried:
I went to Settings/Display/Touch Panel Sensitivity set Screen sensitivity up to high. Didn't seem to help

Then on a hunch,
I went o Settings/Ring and turned ring off. (This controls the Ring "button" on the lower task bar, not the lock screen).
This seemed to improve the missed first tap problem.

But another thing that seems to operate better with the ring button turned off is swiping from page to page. It seems much smoother. That little stutter as you slide from home-screen to home-screen seems gone. Even browser scrolling seems smoother.

Can any user with an A700 please try turning off that ring and see if performance is improved in your opinion, or if I'm just imagining things?

Note: I've left the Screen sensitivity on high. I never used the ring at the bottom, and found it distracting.
I removed the ring, home pages are snappier. The touch thing happens to me too, it did not improve when I changed from normal to high, I even went to touch sensitivity at low and no change, those settings do nothing in my opinion. Icebike do you have the ability to try and download something with the screen off and see if your wifi disconnects when the screen is off, mine seems to even when I tell it to keep the wifi on at all times, even when sleeping, this is making me mad.

On the touch screen, I am hoping a screen protector will make it more sensitive as the screen coating makes your finger hard to glide over it and maybe that is why we have the failed touches from time to time? My A500 does better with a screen protector, do you have one on the A700 because I do not.
Yes, after the ring was disabled many things became snappier. I'm still noticing missed taps, but I'm not bothered too much by it.

@Harhumph - My wifi stays on all the time, but signal is lost very often. I visited my folks today and sitting in "my" chair was unable to get any sort of connection at all....My mom's old Pandigital Novel connected right up from the same spot, and my NookColor was streaming Netflix from another ten feet farther away. WiFi has issues on the A700, no doubt about it.
Can this wifi problem be addressed in updates, or is it hardware related and we are screwed? I am leaning towards returning the A700 and I am sad to do so, but the audio output on the A500 seems better than the A700 and seeing how music and internet are 100 times more important to me than HD video playback this disappoints me...
I think wifi it can be fixed in updates. But So far I haven't had any such problems.
My Wifi has been utterly reliable.

I was streaming radio (Tune In Radio) this morning with the screen off. I would get buffering gaps and assumed it was
the tablet. I switched to my old reliable Nexus One (now used only on wifi) and tuned in the same station, and it skipped

A trick I learned back in the A500 days which might apply to the A700 as well: Leave Bluetooth on, even if you don't use
it. It doesn't draw enough power to matter, and since its built into the same chipset as the wifi, it keeps that whole
subsystem awake.

Tests to see if your WIFI goes off with screen:
Check your tablet's IP in settings. Write it down.
Let tablet fall asleep for a while.
Go to your computer and use Ping to ping the tablet.

The first ping might take a bit longer than the rest, but it should be pingable even while asleep.
With the A500, letting it sleep with with wifi disconnect set to never (always connected), the first ping could take a very long time.
With bluetooth on it was much shorter, and the tablet woke up faster.

I think the Acer A500 suffers the same problem, because I woke it up after it was sitting for an hour and it briefly flashed
no service in lower left corner, then it connected to the router again. It was connected so fast that I had to try it twice
to see if it really ever did show disconnected.

So now I am running with wifi always connected, AND bluetooth on to see if that affects anything.

If you have any choice in the security mode of the router WPA2 is way faster than the others, because encryption
is all done in hardware.