Scroll Essential tablet


Aug 15, 2012
Hi am asking for help here i have the scroll essential tablet have a SD External Card which i have loaded into the tablet i have looked on the SD Card and have a few files installed on there Music Other Files Record Sound DCMI and videos and images.
everything seems to be on the internal memory. I have some games and other items installed on the scroll and it says move to TF Card which is the External Card i thought but when i look on the External SD Card there is nothing there, they must be going somewhere because the memory has gone down.f you go into Applications and the TF Card or SD Card it says 334mb used 1.1gb free cannot even find them on theFILE MANAGER INTERNAL MEMORY internal memory dont know if you shd be able to find where the items and games are if there are on the internal memory.
I cannot understand why there are not on the SD Card as you can see it moves to tf card The Internal Memory or as it says on the tablet internal SD is 544MB used and 1.2GB free
I have not sent much over to the TF SD External Card as i am not sure what is happening.
I am a bit worried that if i download much else the internal memory will be full

Either i am going mad or something is wrong with the External SD CARd i have installed or you are not allowed to put games on it.

If the items i have sent over to the Card are on the internal memory where would i find them as i really dont know what i am looking for there is quite a lot of stuff on the file manager internal memory
I am not going mad as my husband has looked and he cant see any games or such as bbc iplayer on the Card
My friend has the Scroll Basic plus and she says that definitely her games and stuff are on the External SD Card
Please Please can anyone help.
Thanks Margaret.
Margaret, I am using the Scroll Elite with Android 4.03, which Adroid do you have?
I have the normal Android File manager. Go to settings (three dots at the bottom line) and tick, "Show hidden files".
Along the tabs at the top are first the internal memory shown as '/mnt/internal' this is where all the normal apps are stored.
Next along is SD Card shown as '/mnt/sdcard' this is where all your extras and downloads are stored (Documents, eBooks, Pictures)

Now go to the Home screen and then go to 'Settings' then 'Apps' and all the Apps are shown and indeed one tab shows the apps on the SD Card. You can transfer internal apps to the SD Card (by clicking on the App in the list, but I have found if you move them to the SD Card they may not show up via the Home page/Apps, after you reboot, and I found that a hassle getting them back.

My present setup with loads of apps shows the following under Setting/Storage
Internal 1 GB Apps 432 MB Available 394 MB (this is internal RAM)
Internal Storage 13 GB Apps 23 GB etc, Available 12 GB
ExtSD, this is the plug in SD Card 14.6 GB 11 GB available.

Your amount of memory will be different to mine but you should see how your is utilised.

Are you concerned about not having enough memory?
What is you real concern? Don't worry about BBC iPlayer it is a bit different as it runs in the browser, it doe not show in mine either, but most (all?) the others do.
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Anyone know anything about replacement digitisers for the scroll essential II
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