Second LePan constantly locking up


Mar 22, 2012
Alright, so I got a LePan for Christmas - and I LOVE it. I don't need all the bells and whistles and I had a very small budget, so this tablet fit perfectly. However, a week ago I was listening to Pandora and all of a sudden I had an awful sound come out of it and the screen went green. After some back and forth with LePan they RMAd it. I get the new one, and installed the newest firmware (same thing I did with the other) and now it freezes up constantly.

After reading forums I used the Gingerbread upgrade here (Thank you for that, MUCH smoother then what was installed already) Did a few full wipes and resets, and even installed a program to keep it from disconnecting WiFi if it goes into sleep mode.

Well it is randomly freezing up. sometimes in the middle of an application or game, and sometimes just on my desktop screen. I am having to keep a paperclip taped to the back of the tablet so I can reset it when it locks up. I am getting extremely frustrated and wondering if I should RMA this one as well.
I see you haven't gotten any responses yet and I don't think I can help you on this one as my LP2 is running stock firmware and I traded in my LP 1 for the LP 2. When I did have an LP1 it froze up at least once a day. Whether it is a defective unit or caused by the rooting and new firmware I can't say. In general I think it is best to use a new tablet factory stock for a while to make sure everything is working. Wi Fi, GPS, Camera, Gsensor, Bluetooth, speakers, headphone jack, sdcard, no dead pixels or excessive light bleed on the screen, syncs and charges ok. Then root away!