Send tab to China for repair???

Mar 5, 2011
I will hav 2 keep this short but could anyone tell me if the tablet is faulty, could you not just send it somewhere in uk for repair? I really don't want to send to China!

If you send back to China you will never see it again, they fix it and sell it again for more money, you get nothing back! especially *************** (The Worst of the Lot)
Thanks for reply. That was my thinking! But if that's the case, surely the ones I have (I brought 5 from a uk ebay seller) are all dodgy because that's the only address printed in box for "warranty". I know I sound naive but I did research & my sellers feedback had nothing but good comments from members who also brought them.

Also the manual had lots of errors in english section, is this a classic sign of a knockoff/fake?
Yes and usually they have the wrong processor speed listed in their cheeky instruction booklet also, also sometimes they claim 1.3 mpx camera and ship a 0.3 shiddy one instead, also they use pirated fake Android OS.