Should I take off the plastic?


Jan 14, 2011
I got my kyros for xmas and I've kept that piece of plastic on for like a screen protector. Is there any harm if I keep it on?

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There is no harm with keeping it on but if you do take it off make sure to put a new screen protector on

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I have mine on still and I got mine on black Friday. Still holding up well

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Been using mine everyday since the end of December and screen protector is holding up well.

When the day comes that it has to be replaced what suggestions for a replacement does anybody have? Is there protector made for another device that is close in size (maybe just a bit of trimming) or just buy a generic protector and do lots of trimming?
I bought one randomly off ebay. It was supposed to be 'washable', which was a joke. It took forever to get it clean after i took it off the first time. It didnt position right and i had a few particles left on the screen that made enough bubbles to upset me. Just get one for any 7" tablet. It will fit, if only just. Use the little shammy cleaning cloth thing they send with it, it helps.

I have some (....screenguardz... i think?) for my psp and they are made of a flexible more-rubbery like material. I'd love to get hold of one of those for this thing.