So many noob questions


Feb 9, 2011
I've had my Gtablet for quite some time now, testing different ROMs here and there. During my times reading on the forums, I get confused on a lot of things. I see these 1.1 and 1.2 numbers flying around and other numbers like 4349 and such. The 1.1 and 1.2 do those deal with whether you can run an Honeycomb ROM on your tablet? And numbers like 4349 deal with, I think, the kernel? I would love to expand my knowledge on my tablet, but it gets a bit too confusing at times. Is there a complete noob guide out there somewhere?
I'm going to put a few Stickies together tomorrow and Sunday what will explain a lot of this. Basically bootloader 1.1 is old and 1.2 is new. There is now a Honeycomb ROM for users still on 1.1 like myself. Since you don't know what 4349 is I'm going to guess that you are on the 1.1 bootloader.

I have to work tomorrow morning but I promise to get some information out there. I have to do a bit of research to make sure my notes are 100% correct.
Can't wait to check it out then. I have the G-Harmony Gingerbread 2.3.3 and I wanna check out some other ROMs, but those numbers I don't know discourages me sometimes. Is the Honeycomb 1.1 ROM worth checking out? It was one ROM I wanted to check out, but once again I was discouraged by the unknown numbers.