Some apps fail to install on the kyros 9742


Mar 22, 2011
I tried to install a qr code scanner on my kyros 9742 and it says failed to install. So I tried to install it via adb and I get this error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY] It's not just this app there are others as well. Anyone else having trouble?
Installs just fine on my 7042, but of course doesn't work, 7042 doesn't have back camera or flash for app to work. The app will install without problems though.
Installs just fine on my 7042, but of course doesn't work, 7042 doesn't have back camera or flash for app to work. The app will install without problems though.

Hmm wonder why it won't at least install for me. Also do you have any ideas why the wfmy app (my local news) doesn't install either?

EDIT: Nevermind it installed now! Wonder why it didn't before?
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